Sunday, April 19, 2009

Virginia Tech Students Honor Victims on Second Anniversary of Shooting

Two Virginia Tech students are honoring the second anniversary of the mass shooting by participating in a 3.2-mile race.

Katelyn Carney and Derek O'Dell are both survivors of the shooting. They were shot by student Seung Hui-Cho while they were in a German class.

The two students are joined by more than four thousand people.
O'Dell says, "We're celebrating their lives, but remembering, too."

Also, two victims' families are suing the state after rejecting an eleven million dollar settlement.

78 words.

1 comment:

Sheri Venema said...

This one is excellent. Stays in present tense all the way, gives important detail and background. You might want to add the number of people killed in the shooting two years ago.